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Making good use of free time which for some people is a luxury is very important. The vast majority of sites are of a good standard, but there are still some slightly questionable ones too. This is about as good as it gets for free to play titles. There is a pleasing variety of heroes featured throughout the campaigns, enough that there is an entire online mode dedicated to hero play. Working with other players is a great way to shore up your defenses, and The Lord of the Rings: Conquest features a cooperative campaign mode for two players, both locally and online. The War of the Ring campaign puts you on the ground in the most memorable battles from the books, taking a few detours from canon along the way. Taking control of an ent or a troll lets you grab, smash, and throw enemies to your hearts content, and rampaging around on a massive, lumbering oliphaunt is unwieldy fun. Youll have to destroy the lions share of the enemy forces and be vigilant for attacks that can kill you instantly (such as fire arrows, backstabs, and anything a troll or ent does). Its more satisfying to work with human teammates to kill characters with human minds behind them, but those same human minds are more capable of getting the best of you with aggravating combat techniques.